Finally Google Bard has landed in Europe successfully

Thursday, July 13, 2023


What: Google has launched its AI chatbot Bard in Europe, after a delay due to privacy concerns.

When: The launch took place on Thursday, July 13, 2023. Where: Bard is now available in 27 EU countries, as well as Brazil.

Google Bard is now available in English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, Polish, Czech, Hungarian, Romanian, Bulgarian, Greek, Finnish, Swedish, Danish, Norwegian, and Turkish.

Google Lens in Bard

- Bard now allows users to upload images alongside text in conversations. - Google Lens integration has been introduced in Bard, starting with English. - The addition of Google Lens enhances imagination and creativity in new ways. - Users can gather more information about uploaded images or find inspiration for captions.

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